Discovering Your Calling - Align your Strengths with your Vision for a Fulfilling, Impactful, and Joyful Life

Transform Your Mental and Physical Space for Simple Peaceful Living! S4E27

June 26, 2023 Sheri Miter Season 4 Episode 27
Transform Your Mental and Physical Space for Simple Peaceful Living! S4E27
Discovering Your Calling - Align your Strengths with your Vision for a Fulfilling, Impactful, and Joyful Life
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Discovering Your Calling - Align your Strengths with your Vision for a Fulfilling, Impactful, and Joyful Life
Transform Your Mental and Physical Space for Simple Peaceful Living! S4E27
Jun 26, 2023 Season 4 Episode 27
Sheri Miter

Does this sound familiar? You've been told to work harder, prioritize your to-do list, and push through the overwhelm to achieve success. But despite your efforts, you're left feeling unfulfilled, stressed, and burnt out. You've lost sight of your true purpose and struggle to find joy in your daily routine. It's time to stop the cycle of ineffective action and start streamlining your physical and mental space. By decluttering your life and prioritizing self-care, you'll find greater satisfaction, productivity, and peace. Let's explore the power of simplification and discover your true calling for a more fulfilling journey.

"Your happiness and career fulfillment are worth the exploration." -Sheri Miter

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Explore the path to your calling and the benefits of living a streamlined, purpose-driven life.
  • Discover the power of organizing your physical and mental space for enhanced clarity and efficiency.
  • Embrace the value of prioritizing joy and self-care as essential components of a well-rounded life.
  • Learn to let go of the possessions and pursuits that no longer serve you and make room for growth and fulfillment.
  • Become motivated to take the necessary steps towards uncovering your true life purpose and unlocking your potential.

Streamlining Your Life
Streamlining one's life can lead to greater fulfillment, joy, and ease. By clearing out possessions, habits, and priorities that no longer align with our values, we make room for what truly matters and the activities that bring us happiness. This process involves a mix of self-reflection, setting boundaries, and being mindful of our needs on a daily basis. In the podcast, Sheri Miter shares her personal experience of downsizing her possessions to live on a sailboat. This bold move has inspired her to evaluate all aspects of her life and determine whether they serve a purpose or bring happiness. Sheri encourages her listeners to undertake similar self-examination exercises in order to streamline their lives and achieve greater peace of mind.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Is it Time to Quit Your Job?, 

00:03:12 - Creating Your Ideal Life, 

00:05:12 - Streamlining Your Life, 

00:10:02 - Enjoying Life's Simple Pleasures, 

00:15:05 - Taking Action Toward Your Calling, 

I’d love to hear from you! Send me a direct message and let me know what you thought about this episode.

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Join the Discovering Your Calling Academy Waitlist
Let's be friends on Social Media - @SheriMiter

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names, and the 10 Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

Show Notes Transcript

Does this sound familiar? You've been told to work harder, prioritize your to-do list, and push through the overwhelm to achieve success. But despite your efforts, you're left feeling unfulfilled, stressed, and burnt out. You've lost sight of your true purpose and struggle to find joy in your daily routine. It's time to stop the cycle of ineffective action and start streamlining your physical and mental space. By decluttering your life and prioritizing self-care, you'll find greater satisfaction, productivity, and peace. Let's explore the power of simplification and discover your true calling for a more fulfilling journey.

"Your happiness and career fulfillment are worth the exploration." -Sheri Miter

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Explore the path to your calling and the benefits of living a streamlined, purpose-driven life.
  • Discover the power of organizing your physical and mental space for enhanced clarity and efficiency.
  • Embrace the value of prioritizing joy and self-care as essential components of a well-rounded life.
  • Learn to let go of the possessions and pursuits that no longer serve you and make room for growth and fulfillment.
  • Become motivated to take the necessary steps towards uncovering your true life purpose and unlocking your potential.

Streamlining Your Life
Streamlining one's life can lead to greater fulfillment, joy, and ease. By clearing out possessions, habits, and priorities that no longer align with our values, we make room for what truly matters and the activities that bring us happiness. This process involves a mix of self-reflection, setting boundaries, and being mindful of our needs on a daily basis. In the podcast, Sheri Miter shares her personal experience of downsizing her possessions to live on a sailboat. This bold move has inspired her to evaluate all aspects of her life and determine whether they serve a purpose or bring happiness. Sheri encourages her listeners to undertake similar self-examination exercises in order to streamline their lives and achieve greater peace of mind.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Is it Time to Quit Your Job?, 

00:03:12 - Creating Your Ideal Life, 

00:05:12 - Streamlining Your Life, 

00:10:02 - Enjoying Life's Simple Pleasures, 

00:15:05 - Taking Action Toward Your Calling, 

I’d love to hear from you! Send me a direct message and let me know what you thought about this episode.

Support the Show.

Connect or work with Sheri:
Website -
Join the Discovering Your Calling Academy Waitlist
Let's be friends on Social Media - @SheriMiter

Searching for Mary Kay products? Shop Here

Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names, and the 10 Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

You. Hey, my friend. Before we jump into today's episode, I wanted to let you know about a quiz I just created, and this quiz is for you. If you've been struggling to navigate the twists and turns of a midlife career or you're feeling a little lost and uncertain about whether it's time to bid a due to your current job, or if you're just feeling stuck and you're wondering if it's even possible to fall in love with your career again. This personalized quiz is designed to help you uncover the signs and see if it is time to quit your job and embark on a new professional journey.

Or if you just need to make a few adjustments and stay the course, I want to introduce you to our Ten Signs it's Time to Quit Your Job quiz. And it's tailored specifically for dynamic women like you. And here's just a few reasons why you should dive right in. One in just a few minutes, you will have more clarity on the right decision for you and the right next step for you to take no matter where you land on the quiz. The second reason to dive in is just by going through the questions in the quiz, you will gain a fresh perspective, a deeper self awareness, and hopefully the confidence to take that next best step.

And last, my friend, don't let indecision hold you back any longer. Take the is it time to quit your job? Quiz today and unlock the door to a brighter, more fulfilling future. Your happiness and career fulfillment are worth the exploration. Get started now, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

The link is in the show notes. Or head over to Sheri Miter Co and you'll find the link on the homepage and look for the quiz. All right, let's get back to the show.

I want to share with you my listeners who are also on a mission to create your ideal life. I assume you are, or you wouldn't be listening to this podcast things for you to think about. And I'm going to share with you my three or four things that I do really love doing or having, and they serve a purpose in my life over the next four or five weeks over the summertime.

Welcome to the discovering your Calling podcast. I'm your host, Sheri Miter. I'm here to help you unleash your strengths and get clarity on your calling. I believe when you find your purpose in life, fulfillment, joy and success will follow. If you're ready, pop in those earbuds, hit that follow button, and join me on this journey toward discovering your Calling.

When I decided to create the Discovering Your Calling Podcast and the Discovering Your Calling Academy, I knew that they both needed to be more than talking about making a career change, more than talking about using your strengths more than getting clarity on your calling, even though all of that is super, super important. And, of course, part of the goal of the Discovering Your Calling podcast in Academy. But what I really, really wanted from it, and I hope that you get from listening to the podcast or if you decide to be a student participating in the Academy, is creating your ideal life. That really is the ultimate goal. And having a career you love is part of creating that ideal life, right?

But that ideal life is something that lights you up whether you're at work or you're at play, whether you're working or you're resting. That ideal life is something that you can create, that you love. I don't want to say every minute of it because that would be an impossible task, I think, for us to love every single minute of life. I mean, we do have to grocery shop. I have to go pick up my eyeglasses soon.

I don't love those things, but that we love most of our life, and we love the things that we've created. And this has really, really been on my heart and soul and mind lately because we are in the middle of packing and clearing things out of our apartment. If you've been following along, you know that on August 1 of 2023, my husband and I are going to be out of this apartment that we have absolutely loved for the last few years and moving on to our 42 foot sailboat. And we're going to be living on the sailboat hopefully for a year is the goal. And just journeying down the intercoastal waterway, experiencing some new life things.

And yes, I have created this career so that I could do that, that I could work from the boat. But what we are doing right now is the hard stuff to get ready for that. It's all the packing and clearing out and looking at all of our things. Because originally, like, we'll sell everything, but that's not really realistic because there's some things I want to keep. There's some things that mean something to me or they serve a purpose.

So we've kind of gone from let's sell everything to let's downsize a lot because there's only so much room on the boat that we can take a few select things with us. We're going to be getting a storage room. So what do we want to put in the storage facility so that when we're done traveling on the boat and we find our next place to live, what things do we want to bring with us for that next step down the road? So as we're clearing out, I'm looking at everything through two lenses, and it has to check off one of these two boxes or it goes in the sell it on Facebook Marketplace or Give it away box. So the two things I'm looking at are, one, does it still serve a purpose or a need that we have, or will it still serve a purpose or need that we have.

If it does, then we're probably going to keep it. And or number two, do we really like it? We just really love it. Like, I've been sitting in my office one day and we were going to sell all the furniture in my office, but I'm sitting in here one day and it's like, I love my office. I love the couch that I have on it.

That's also our guest bed. I love the chair that's in it because it's so comfortable. I love the ottoman in here because it stores things. I love our bookshelves because they're exactly what I wanted and it took me a long time to find them. I don't love my desk, so the desk is going to go, but the rest of it is like, I really want to keep it.

I just really, really love it. So now my husband knows we need a bigger storage room because, yeah, we're going to keep some of the furniture. So anyway, everything in our house has been going through this filter of again, one, does it still serve or will it serve a purpose or need that we will have and or do we just really like it? And if it can't check off one of those two boxes, then we're just not going to keep it. There's no reason to keep it.

There's no reason to hold on to something that really doesn't serve a purpose anymore. Maybe it did at one point, but we really just don't need it. We don't use it. It's just taking up space. Or do we look at it and think, I don't even really like this thing?

Like, I've never liked it, or I liked it at one point, but now I just don't anymore. Then why on earth would we hold on to it? And as I'm doing this process, yeah, one, I will tell you, it's very scary and it's hard. Oh, my gosh, it's so hard to do, to let go of things. But I'm also sensing the more we're doing it, there's this peace, this sense of freedom to streamline our life.

And I was sharing this with some friends. I was with old high school friends that we got together. We finally made that someday today. And we booked a vacation, a VRBO house, and we came together. We haven't seen each other in 30 something years and got together and we had a great weekend.

And of course, they're all asking me these questions about what are you doing? How are you doing that? How are you downsizing to live on a boat? And I was sharing with them there's a sense of peace when we're on the boat because you can only bring what you essentially need. Because I don't like clutter, so I'm not going to clutter up the boat.

I need space around me. So we're being very on purpose with only bringing what we absolutely need with us on the boat. But what I said was what I find is there's a sense of freedom about that. Because when I go there and even the clothes I have on the boat already, there's only so many shirts to choose from. There's not like a whole closet full like I have at home and there's freedom of peace in that.

There's only so many choices to make on everything on the boat or maybe there's only one choice and it's peaceful when you can live that way. So I guess it's that Middle militia kind of life. But it got me thinking, this whole process of streamlining things has just got me thinking of like, how can I not just streamline my life and my surroundings, but how can I do this with my business? Because I don't know about you guys, but there are days that I just get very overwhelmed with all the information coming at me, all the things that I feel like I should be doing as an entrepreneur. And I wanted to streamline that too.

So I decided that I'm going to start looking at all the processes that I do in my business the same way I'm doing streamlining our surroundings. Of one, does this still serve a purpose? So before I start to do anything new, does it still serve a purpose? Before I sign up for a new course, will this actually serve a purpose? Before I just make any steps, any actions, steps, does it hit that?

The other thing, the other filter is do I even really enjoy this? Do I really like this? Do I like doing this? And honestly, for my business, I want them to check off both filters. I want to be able to say, does this still serve a purpose or does this serve a purpose and do I really enjoy doing it?

And if it can't check off two boxes, then I'm going to really spend some time thinking about why am I doing this? Why do I keep spending time here if I'm not enjoying it and it's not serving a purpose and just streamlining the way I live my life, the way I run my business, so not just the surroundings. And I was thinking this morning on like, what are those things in my life that have served me well over the years, just living as an entrepreneur, as a person, as a woman, and what do I really enjoy doing? And I came up with just a few things and I decided, you know what, for the summertime I want to share with you my listeners who are also on a mission to create your ideal life. I assume you are or you wouldn't be listening to this podcast, things for you to think about.

And I'm going to share with you my three or four things that I do really love doing or having and they serve a purpose in my life over the next four or five weeks over the summertime. Because July should be a month of freedom and fun, which is one of those things I wanted to share because it's a month of unplugging and that would be one of the first things. It's just we need space, we need time off. That is something I love and that is something that serves a purpose and I would highly encourage you to look at that as well. So you'll notice over the summertime, over July at least, the podcasts are going to be much shorter.

They're going to be simpler, they're going to be little bite sized nuggets because I want to enjoy my time off and I think you should as well. So I hope the next few podcasts serve you well and will help you start thinking about what are the things that do serve you, what are the things that you do enjoy. And maybe you can borrow from my ideas so you can incorporate them into your life as well. Because the main goal, my friend, is that we can enjoy a life that's peaceful, that we have freedom, freedom from clutter, freedom from things that stress us out, freedom from things that we have fallen into this rut of. We're doing them and we don't even know why on earth we're still doing them or why on earth we still have this thing hanging around when we don't even like it.

So this will be your chance to come along with me and clear the clutter mentally and physically and keep or add in the things that give you pure joy. That's our goal for the month of July. So over the next few podcasts and here's a little segue or a little preview of what you'll hear about. One is I already started talking about it today, just unplugging and taking time off, giving yourself space. We're going to talk about that.

We're going to talk about napping. I am the queen of napping and so many people don't know how to nap. It sounds crazy, I know, but I'm going to teach you how to master napping and why you need a nap in your day. We're going to talk about coffee, water and wine and why they are essential, maybe not the coffee, maybe not the wine, but why they're essential to me. And then we're going to talk about one of my favorite things to do is journaling.

And I hope to share a few excerpts from stacks of journals I found because again, we're cleaning out. I think my husband just found five journals over the years of mine. So I'm going to peek through and you'll get a little inside look at some of my private journal entries along this entrepreneurial Discovering Your Calling journey. So I hope that you're excited to come on this journey with me and we'll just keep it light and fun and peaceful for the next few weeks. All right, my friend, as always, thank you for listening to the Discovering Your Calling podcast.

And if you could invite a friend to join you on this journey. Thank you for spending this time with me. My hope is something you heard today inspires you to take action toward discovering your calling. I just have two favors to ask of you before you go. One, if you found value and enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review on Apple podcast or Spotify, and you might hear your review read on a future episode.

And two, can you share this episode with three friends who will also enjoy it as much as you did? By doing these things, you will help us grow the podcast to make a bigger impact on the world. And until next week, remember you've been created to live a life of fulfillment, freedom, purpose, success and joy.