Discovering Your Calling - Align your Strengths with your Vision for a Fulfilling, Impactful, and Joyful Life

Be 10X More Successful: Set Strengths-Based Goals in 2024! S4E41

January 22, 2024 Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach Season 4 Episode 41
Be 10X More Successful: Set Strengths-Based Goals in 2024! S4E41
Discovering Your Calling - Align your Strengths with your Vision for a Fulfilling, Impactful, and Joyful Life
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Discovering Your Calling - Align your Strengths with your Vision for a Fulfilling, Impactful, and Joyful Life
Be 10X More Successful: Set Strengths-Based Goals in 2024! S4E41
Jan 22, 2024 Season 4 Episode 41
Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach

Have you heard these myths about goal setting? Myth 1: You have to focus on fixing your weaknesses. Myth 2: Setting big, audacious goals is the only way to succeed. Myth 3: You have to follow a strict, rigid plan to achieve your goals. But what if I told you there's a different approach that can lead to even greater success? Get ready to discover the truth about strengths-based goal setting and how it can help you achieve meaningful growth in both your personal and professional life.

"If you want to achieve anything in life, we have to set goals." - Sheri Miter

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the power of setting strength-based goals to unlock your full potential.
  • Learn the essential steps to effectively set strength-based goals for personal and professional growth.
  • Unleash the insights from the CliftonStrengths 34 report to supercharge your goal-setting journey.
  • Harness the transformative potential of visualization techniques for achieving your most meaningful goals.
  • Explore the impact of accountability and goal sharing on increasing the likelihood of goal achievement.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Visit to learn how to take your assessment and receive extra tools for your personal growth
  • Check out the Gallup website for additional information on setting goals with your strengths.
  • Consider booking a 90-minute power session with me to dive into your Clifton strengths report and brainstorm together. This session can provide extra support for setting strengths-based goals and help you create a personalized plan.

I’d love to hear from you! Send me a direct message and let me know what you thought about this episode.

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names, and the 10 Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

Show Notes Transcript

Have you heard these myths about goal setting? Myth 1: You have to focus on fixing your weaknesses. Myth 2: Setting big, audacious goals is the only way to succeed. Myth 3: You have to follow a strict, rigid plan to achieve your goals. But what if I told you there's a different approach that can lead to even greater success? Get ready to discover the truth about strengths-based goal setting and how it can help you achieve meaningful growth in both your personal and professional life.

"If you want to achieve anything in life, we have to set goals." - Sheri Miter

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the power of setting strength-based goals to unlock your full potential.
  • Learn the essential steps to effectively set strength-based goals for personal and professional growth.
  • Unleash the insights from the CliftonStrengths 34 report to supercharge your goal-setting journey.
  • Harness the transformative potential of visualization techniques for achieving your most meaningful goals.
  • Explore the impact of accountability and goal sharing on increasing the likelihood of goal achievement.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Visit to learn how to take your assessment and receive extra tools for your personal growth
  • Check out the Gallup website for additional information on setting goals with your strengths.
  • Consider booking a 90-minute power session with me to dive into your Clifton strengths report and brainstorm together. This session can provide extra support for setting strengths-based goals and help you create a personalized plan.

I’d love to hear from you! Send me a direct message and let me know what you thought about this episode.

Support the Show.

Connect or work with Sheri:
Website -
Join the Discovering Your Calling Academy Waitlist
Let's be friends on Social Media - @SheriMiter

Searching for Mary Kay products? Shop Here

Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names, and the 10 Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

According to a recent Gallup article 7 and 10 Us adults are poised to set goals for themselves at the start of the new year with one third telling gallup they are very likely to do so and another 38% somewhat likely on the down. Side other research found on Google search suggests that only 9% of americans who make resolutions complete them. In fact, some research shows that 23% of people quit the resolutions by the end of the first week and 40 3% quit by the end of January. What if this year you could be in the group that crushes their goals that you set goals that energize and excite you goals that stretch you but yet you know you can achieve them because you've been created. To achieve them goals that are strength based that's our topic for today put the intro here. So before we set get started. Let me redo that part Stalin before. Jump into how to set strengths based goals I just want to talk a little bit about why you even want to set goals and if you google it several websites have the stat that 14% of people who set goals are 10.

Times more successful than those who don't so 10 times more successful than those who don't I don't know about you but I want those odds against or for me, not against me and I'm not sure if that's even a real study or not It's been debated on Google again, you can search that. But for my own life and working with thousands of women over the course of my career and direct sales I would say that is very true if you want to achieve anything in life. We have to set goals the only year. I stuck to my running goals was when I set a goal to run a half marathon with my son and daughter in law since then I've barely run the years I had major achievements in my direct sales career were the years I sat and committed to achieving them. And even better yet. They were the years that I had a running buddy and you'll hear why that is essential as we go through today's episode so I'm going to be honest, the past two years I really didn't have any firm goals and the results are there to prove it. I really didn't achieve much and that doesn't set well with me because I do love to set big lofty goals and I love to achieve them and after reviewing my clifton strengths 34 report recently I realized that setting and achieving goals is important to me.

And I decided this year I need to set goals that will help me live up to my full potential goals to help me become the person god created me to be what about you? How does that resonate with you have you set goals recently have you missed your goals. Or have you kind of been wandering around like I have the last few years hey they've been kind of challenging years haven't they so we're not going to worry about why? That's happened. We're just going to move forward to 2024. So if you're ready to create goals based on the person god created you to be. And what he wants you to achieve this year then keep on listening play along with me this year let's do this let's set our goals based on our natural talents and strengths so are you ready are you ready to jump in. So let's dive into what it means to set those strengths based goals. So strength based goals are meant to energize you and excite you and they do that because you're going to be using your natural talents to achieve them and when we use our natural talents. That's what happens the. Jesus they don't drain us and they're based on what we naturally do best. So what does that even look like well I'm going to break down how you do that based on 2 different types of strength based goals a being goal and a doing goal and I'll explain more of that in a minute and then I'm going to give you some.

Steps that you can take to increase your chance of achieving these goals and I have a ton more resources for you and I'll tell you how you can find those when we finish up the podcast here. But right now if you want to achieve. Um. Or set some strength space goals. We want to look at these 2 different types. 1 is the being goal and this is who do you want to be this year and moving into the future and then the second type of goal the doing goals. This is what you want to accomplish? What do you want to do this year. Um, so if you're ready, let's pull out your Clifton strengths report and if you don't have one yet I want you to pause this podcast go head over to Sherry Miter Code Dot Com backslash services and sherry's with one r one I miter. CoSHERIM I t e r c o dot com backslash services and you'll find a few different ways you can grab the clifton strengths assessment I'll put a link in the show notes as well. So anyway, grab your report if you already have that and then head. To a quiet peaceful place a place where you can think my husband and I recently did this on a little beach off of the noose river in the town that we're staying in right now on our boat and it was absolutely wonderful. There were gentle waves splashing on the shoreline the entire time.

We were going through this exercise it just added an extra special element to it. So let's talk about the being goals first. So who do you want to be this year so the first thing you want to do to set your being goal is number. 1 we need to go backwards. We want to review did I use my strengths last year so take your report read through your Clifton strengths especially your top 5 if you're really familiar with your top 5 go ahead and do your top 10. It's totally up to you but look and see did you. Use each of those top 5 or each of those top 10 strengths. How did they show up for you or did you not use them this year then I want you to think about so that's step 1 step 2 is how do you want to show up in 2024 so when you look at those top. 5 or top 10 talent themes look at each one and look at the lines that really resonate with you and really jump out at you this year and think you know what? that's who I want to be this year that's how I'm going to show up and for my full potential That's how I'm going to show up as my best self this year and remember if it's in you. Report. It's already inside of you. That's your talent Dna. So it's in there for you because you might be like I was or even my husband we read our reports and think like oh yeah, I have not been showing up like that I forgot that's who I am at my best and that's how we want to show up.

This year and moving forward so number one was just review your strengths and how did you show up last year number two. How do you want to show up moving forward or in 2024 the third step. Your being goal is which of your top 5 or 10 talent themes. Do you really want to lean into this year what do you want to be known for and this was so powerful as I looked at my talent themes and I realized that. Where I've been playing small and I use my maximizer a lot but I was reminded that with maximizer and this is directly from my report it says being average at best and mediocre at worst is unacceptable and I realize I've been settling. Also it also goes on to say that I need to be with upbeat visionary people I haven't been doing that now that falls into my doing category. But it's circled here right now. Um I just I was reminded under self-insurance that I need to be challenged the year I did the half marathon was one of the most challenging. Um, and years. Um for my running but it was the most exciting time in my running career if my knees and hips would allow it I would totally do that goal again. It was so exciting for me I also realized with my command that I am meant.

To lead others and I meant to help others be productive just kind of funny I'm also meant to collaborate with future oriented thinkers that was under my strategic so it just reminded me of who I am at my best so who are you at your best. When you look at your top 5 or your top 10 talent themes and which one of your talent themes. You really want to lean into this year or even this quarter I know some people that pick one talent theme and they focus on it all year long personally I would get i. Too antsy with that one. So I'm going to pick one talent theme a quarter. So by the end of the year I've really leaned into 4 of my top 10 talents. Let me know which way you're going to do that. So the last step number 4 for the being How do you want to be this year is what. Will you do to make sure that you stay committed to this plan and again look at how you naturally think fill and behave your talent themes and what's within your talents. Will help you be committed and only you can answer that is it that you need a run. Anybody is it that you just need to commit it by shouting it out loud to others and now you have high responsibility and you said you're going to do something you're going to do it. Um.

I don't know only you know the answer to that one. So what will you do to make sure that you stay committed to this plan so again for your being goal just review how did you show up last year. How do you want to show up in 2024 which of your top 5 or 10 talent themes. You really want to lean into this year be known for this year and number 4 what will you do to make sure you stay committed to the plan. So. That's how you create your being goal your strength-based being goal now. Let's talk about setting a strengths-based. Doing goal. This is what you want to accomplish this year and the first step in that is you're going to set um 3 goals that you want to achieve looking at like the smart you've heard about the smart. Plan the smart goal setting which is specific measurable achievable relevant and time bound and 3 goals in different categories. So I'm not really saying this well okay, let me back up here. So what are 3 categories that you really want to focus in on. And set smart goals for that's how to say this better is it a career goal you want to set is a financial goal you want to set is it a well-being goal. Maybe it's a family goal. Maybe it's a fun goal. Um, so what are.

3 categories that you want to pick under career financial wellbeing family fun faith, whatever category you want to pick and then break them down into a smart goal hope that makes sense. Feel like I'm saying this very very confusing to you but ah so what are the 3 categories that you're going to select and 3 in a goal within that category. Okay, that probably makes way more sense now all right number 2 is look. At the take action to maximize your potential ideas in your Clifton strengths report. What are some action steps that they're recommending based on your talent themes that you can take this year to maximize your potential. What strengths. Do you need to dial up to achieve them what strengths do you need to dial down so they don't get in your way and what do I mean by that as we set our goals and as we're working towards something. And especially action items. There are sometimes that are we need to lean into certain talent themes that are going to support us in that action step but sometimes a talent theme might get in our way. So for instance I'm high learner learners in my top 10 well learn.

That's part of 1 of my action items is I'm going to it was in my Clifton strengths report to um how do they seem to say it respecting the desire to learn respect the desire to learn. And they at 1 of the action items was to sign up for at least 1 new course or class each year. So I'm going to ah just accept that because sometimes I feel like oh I spend so much money on courses or I'm taking another course and my husband has low learner. He doesn't understand that or I buy yet another book. But I need to respect that my learner needs to be fed now sometimes I need to dial down my learner and just focus on the action items that I just learned and implement them first before I move on to learn something else. So I can lean into my learner. So that I learn more but then I need to quit learning and take action on what I just learned does that make sense. So what strengths do you need to dial up to achieve those goals. What do you need to dial down and then the fifth. Part of the doing goals is what are the action steps and honestly ladies this is the most and gentlemen this is the most important step of all of this is what are the action steps to achieve the goal break it down.

For year month week daily keep going until you get to the daily for some of you if you don't have high futuristic setting a year long goal or a year long action. Step may not um, be easy for you to do? don't worry about that maybe set a three month quarterly action item goal then break it down to the week but the most important thing is what's the daily action you will take to work towards that goal and it may be 1 teeny tiny little step. But if you do it every single day and every single week. And every single quarter guess what at the end of the year you will have crushed your goals. So let me review this because I apologize I think it was a little confusing in the beginning but for your doing goals. What do you want to accomplish this year and you're going to set no more. Then 3 goals you can choose the category is it a career goal is it a well-being goal. Is it a financial goal is it a fun goal. Is it a um, faith goal. You pick the 3 categories and set a goal you can use the smart. Um. Way of setting goals the specific measurable achievable relevant and timebound. Not sure what that is Google it then you're going to number 2 you're going to look at they take action to maximize your potential ideas and their clickped in strengths report or sometimes we can find those action items or.

Goal ideas actually just reading through our report on what we need to do number 3 you're going to look at what strengths based on your whole top 10 are you need to dial up to achieve those goals number 4 which ones do you need to dial down which ones could get in your way. And number 5 what are the action steps to achieve the goal broken down until you have a daily action item and again don't miss that step. So that's how you set strengths based being goals. So how you want to be this year who do you want to be what do you mean. But to be known for and strengths based doing goals meaning what do you want to accomplish this is going to be a work in progress. You probably won't get it all right? The first time or in 1 setting unless you can block out a whole entire day. Um, I'm still working on mine I'm still refining mine. But once you get something on paper and you know I'm a big pen to paper person. But once you get it down. Go back through kind of clean things up a little bit and here's 2.

A couple other steps you can take just to really make sure that you are successful and you do achieve the goals you set for yourself First of all write it down. There was a study by um. Ah Dr Gail Matthews at dominican university in California and she proved that writing goals increases the chance of accomplishing them by 42 that research also indicated that 70% of people who share. Goals with friends or family accomplish the goal and only 35% achieve them successfully that kept their unwritten goals to themselves so don't keep your goal to yourself share it with a trusted friend or family remember I said earlier. That in my direct sales days if I had a running buddy that kept me accountable and she was working on the same or similar goals. We were way more likely to achieve those goals that year and writing them down definitely does matter The second thing you're going to do. Is visualize yourself achieving your goals and this is a step a lot of people. Miss visualize yourself doing the action steps that you set for yourself. So not just the visualizing the outcome but visualize yourself daily.

Is it visualizing yourself daily maybe sending out 1 email to a potential client. Is it visualizing yourself daily. Maybe writing one blog is it visualizing yourself daily maybe going out for a mile walk. What is it? you're going to do. Each day visualize yourself doing the action steps and achieving the goals and maybe add that as part of your daily action is the visualization and studies show that this increases your chance of achieving your goals and an article by Td Banks shared that. Those who visualize their goals are happen to be happier than those who don't so just visualizing your goals is also going to make you happier. It also um, doing this practice also helps people feel less anxiety. So just. By visualizing it your chances of achieving. It are much greater. You're going to be happier and less anxious. So there you go so people who imagine their goals are more successful than those who don't visualize because they use the power of the subconscious mind. To engrave their goals I love that okay, some of this seemed easy. Maybe maybe it seemed hard to you but here's the thing take your time refine your goals keep working at it if you have questions reach out.

If you want to learn more about strengths space goal setting head to my website look for the blog there on strengths space goal setting and we're going to have a lot of ah links to gallup. They've shared a lot of information on setting goals with your strengths. I'll write out this step. So hopefully they'll be a little more clear than just listening to this and of course I'm always available for a 90 minute power session where we can dive into your cliton strengths report and brainstorm together so that. If you need that little extra support for how to set strengths based goals. We can do that in that 90 minute power session but I can't wait to hear what your goals are and celebrate with you when you crush them in 2024 as always. Thanks for listening to today's podcast I hope it did empower you and excite you to set fresh new strengths based goals and 2024 you've got this.