Discovering Your Calling - A Strengths-Based approach to career and life fulfillment, success and joy!

5 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job in 2024! S4E44

Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach Season 4 Episode 44

"If your well-being is suffering because you're just not yourself anymore, it might be a huge red flag that it's time to make some major life changes."

Discover the unexpected signs of needing a career change that no one talks about. You might think you're just going through the motions, but what if there are subtle signals nudging you towards a major shift? Dive into the five telltale signs that 2024 could be the year to put in that two weeks notice and embark on a new career journey. From dreading the work week to feeling exhausted and unfulfilled, these signs could be whispering to you. And here's the kicker – it's not just about making a change, but finding the right fit for your ideal life. Uncover these unexpected signs, and see if they resonate with you. It's time to listen to your instincts and explore what might be waiting for you on the other side. Ready to unravel the clues? Stay tuned for a fresh perspective on career transitions.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the signs indicating a need for a career change to take control of your professional future.
  • Overcome the dread of the work week starting on Sundays and reclaim your enthusiasm for work.
  • Improve your overall well-being by identifying and addressing the sources of exhaustion in your current career.
  • Align your career path with your life goals to create a more fulfilling and purpose-driven professional journey.
  • Unleash your natural gifts and talents by exploring strategies to maximize their potential in your career.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Is It Time for a Career Change in 2024? 

00:01:47 - Dreading the Work Week 

00:04:35 - Exhaustion and Well-being 

00:07:57 - Alignment with Life Goals 

00:13:34 - Trusting Your Instincts 

00:17:05 - Listening to Your Gut 

00:17:38 - Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job 

00:18:43 - Checklist for Quitting Your Job 

00:19:37 - Discovering Your Calling Academy 

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

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You. Have you been wondering if it's time to make a major career change in 2024? I see you. You've worked hard to reach this high level of success, but it's just not fulfilling anymore. And I get it.

I get it. You're burnt out. Maybe you're bored and you've been daydreaming about what else could you do? But you're just not sure if this is the right year to put in your two weeks notice. Or maybe it is today.

I've got five things to look at. Five things that if you check them off, then maybe, my friend, it is your year to put in that two weeks notice and start making that career change you've been dreaming about. And. Or maybe if you don't check the boxes, then, hey, maybe it's a few tweaks to start loving your job again. But anyway, let's dive into today's episode and see if it is the year for you to begin a new, exciting career and a new, exciting life journey.

Put intro and DYCA Academy commercial here. All right. The first sign that it could be the year for you to make a major career change is a biggie. And maybe you relate to this. I have so many friends that I know this is where they've been or where they're at.

So many of my clients tell me this is the way their life looked before they started working with me. And I even kind of experienced this once in my life as well. And that number one thing is you find yourself dreading the work week on Sunday. Now, we've all heard the woe. It's Mondays.

You see it on Facebook all the time, right? But it's gotten to the point that you don't even enjoy Sundays anymore because you're so stressed out thinking about Monday. And maybe this sounds like your weekend. You have that yay, it's Friday and you get home, and maybe you're drinking the entire bottle of wine because you're so stressed out from the week that you just had. And then Saturday, you get up, you have the chores to do, the kids activities.

Maybe you get to go out with your friends or a date night with your honey, if you're lucky. And then that day ends and you wake up on Sunday and it starts. The anxiety, the stress, the thinking about everything coming up in your work week. And of course, you're physically present and doing what needs to be done with your family that day. But mentally, you are checked out and you're thinking so much about the work week with huge dread.

Now what if instead, my friend, you could design your career and your life so that you were fully present the entire weekend because you loved what you did on Mondays? Or better yet, you designed your life so that Mondays were yours so you could ease into the work week. So I adopted this plan, the easing into the work week plan years ago. Years ago. And I still live by that today.

Mondays to me are sacred. And I love Mondays. They're my day to strategize, to plan, to contemplate, and to get ready for the week ahead. I don't plan any meetings that day. And no makeup most Mondays.

So what would your ideal Monday look like if you had the opportunity to design it the way you wanted? And we're going to talk more about that one in just a few minutes. But that number one sign that it might be time to put in your two weeks notice or start making major career changes this year is that you are dreading the work week so bad that you can't enjoy your Sundays anymore. Okay. The number two sign that it might be time for you to make that career change this year is you are exhausted at the end of the day and your health and well being is starting to suffer.

So this was happening to one of my clients so bad, in fact, that when she was so exhausted from her job she was in education, that she chose to take a year long sabbatical from it. And during that sabbatical, her friends and family started noticing that she wasn't the same happy go lucky person she once was. And even though she took that mental break she needed from her job, she still was so lost not knowing what direction she was going to go. Because sooner or later she was going to have to make a decision. Do I go back to that job or do I make a major career move?

And she realized that not only was she stressed out from her former job and that thought of do I want to go back there? But that she wasn't herself anymore because she wasn't using her natural talents during her sabbatical. Now, she didn't recognize that that's what was happening until we started working together. And we dove into her Clifton strengths report and her top five and her top ten talent themes. And I think it was even maybe the first session we had together that we looked at her themes and realized like, oh, even during the sabbatical time she wasn't using them.

Themes like learner. So she wasn't feeling herself, she wasn't feeling energetic and she still was just so lost. So after diving into that strength session she started to regain the best version of herself again. We talked about some strategies that she could implement right away to start diving into her natural talent themes so she could feel alive again. And I still remember the day her best friend, who was the person that had referred her to me, said to me, thank you for giving me back my best friend.

You see, her friend had noticed that she wasn't herself for a while, that she wasn't herself before she made the decision to take that sabbatical. But she also wasn't herself even during the sabbatical because she was so lost in not knowing what direction to go in. And she wasn't diving into her natural talent themes. So if the tasks you have to complete at work are mentally draining and mundane, it might mean that you are no longer using your top talent themes at work. Or worse, you're having to live and work in your bottom themes.

And that is just outright exhausting. And it might just take a few tweaks that one of my clients just had to do a few things that she needed to make tweaks, and she could be happier at her job again. Or maybe you're like my client, Andrea, and you need a huge overhaul on your career. Either way, if your health is suffering, your well being is suffering because you're just not yourself anymore. It might be a huge red flag that it's time to make some major life changes, because that one's not going to go away.

It won't go away. So we need to really dive into that and make sure that you're living in your top themes and working in your top themes. So the third sign that it might be the year for you to make that major career change is your current career no longer aligns with the life goals and vision for your life. Remember, we talked about this. If you could plan your Mondays, what would that look like?

The other thing, too, is have you ever daydreamed about working? Maybe you daydreamed about working from home. Maybe you want to be in the hammock in your backyard with your laptop while your kids play and do their thing, but you're there. Or maybe you dream about traveling the globe for months at a time, and you don't mind working while you're traveling because you want to immerse yourself into the environment. Or maybe you're like me, you want to work from a sailboat.

Or maybe you want to travel around in your rv and work from there. And if your current career doesn't align with that vision that you have for your life, then that might be a sign that it's time to start creating your new ideal career. Or maybe you're like so many of my clients that you have absolutely no idea what your ideal life would even look like. You've been so wrapped up with just living day to day that you've never even paused to really think about, well, what would I really want to do? How do I really want to live my life?

What would I do on Mondays if I had that choice? And in the discovering your calling academy, we spend time crafting and creating your ideal week, your ideal day, your ideal month, and your ideal year. And again, a lot of my students have never done that. So don't worry if that sounds like, oh, that would be so hard. I have high futuristic.

It's one of my favorite things to do is help you visioner your life. And I have learned how to help even students with no futuristic work through this exercise so that it's easier for you. It might be a little complicated, but you come out with knowing exactly how you really want to live and work. And then we start crafting the job that will fit around your ideal life. So if that sounds great, then maybe, my friend, it is time to start thinking about putting in that two weeks notice.

Okay, number four, the fourth reason or fourth sign, I should say that it is time to start thinking about a new career change. And putting in that notice and diving into something new is deep down you know your natural talents, gifts and skills are not being utilized. When was the last time you heard from somebody at work, wow, you did a great job today, or, that was a brilliant idea. Does your work environment allow you to utilize your gifts and talents and do they appreciate them or are you experiencing like another one of my clients whose strengths were looked upon as weaknesses at her job, she was not appreciated for her gifts. But once she joined the discovering your calling academy, we started going through her natural talents from her Clifton strengths report and she realized all of a sudden that, wow.

What everybody's told me were weaknesses are actually my superpowers. And she was one that went to work and had hard conversations. Actually, she got accepted and applied and got accepted for another job that made her be more appreciated at her current job. And they woke up and saw, wait, we need to keep her here because she is great at her job. But she had those conversations with her boss and managers to make some changes.

So they started to appreciate who she was and all the talents and gifts she brought to the table. And they realized that, wait, these aren't weaknesses. These are her superpowers. And it also gave her the confidence to start making a plan for the future for herself. So now she's also working on creating her own coaching business alongside of her current job.

So eventually she can create a business all her own where she doesn't even have to go into that job if she doesn't want to anymore. And I remember realizing when I was in direct sales that if I stayed where I was in that position, I was not going to be able to fully lean into my natural talents. And I wanted to be able to be that person that God was calling me to be and not live stifled by the tasks versus living in my talents. And if that's something you desire too, my friend, then that's another sign that, yeah, maybe this is the year to start thinking about doing something different. All right, the last one I have for you today is the sign.

I'm going to share in just a minute. But I do want to mention, I forgot to mention this at the beginning. If these are resonating with you and you want more, I actually have a little worksheet quiz, just one page, little checkboxes that actually, I go through these five, but five more. Ten signs that it might be time to put in your two weeks notice. And if that would be helpful to you, then hang on to the end of the podcast or check out my website, Sherimiterco one r and Sheri one r and mitre sherimiterco at gmail.

I'm sorry. I'm giving you my email. So And on the homepage right now, I do have that handout. You can sign up and grab that and check the boxes, see how many you check off.

And I kind of have a scale on like, oh, if you check this many off, then this is the direction to go. So you can check that out. So anyway, the number five reason I'm going to share right now with you is you just have this gut feeling that it's time to move on. And sometimes, my friend, that's all we really need. We just have that gut feeling that it's time to quit your job and pursue something else.

And we need to trust our instincts and start exploring options. And that was me. I mean, I had this sense that it was just time. And I had numerous things that started to bother me when I was in direct sales, and they were little things. And again, if you've heard my story, you know, I was at the height of my career, so it didn't make sense that it was time to step away from that career.

But there was just something gnawing inside of me that I just knew. I don't think I belong here anymore. And I started to be open to exploring other options. And again, it wasn't one big thing, but it was a lot of little things that were just starting to eat at me, basically. And one of the final things was when the company made a.

The company that I worked for made a big move and decision that it just didn't align with my values. I didn't agree with it at all. And it really disturbed me that they went in that direction, and that was kind of where they say, the camel or the straw that broke the camel's back. But if I'm being honest, like I said, I've been thinking about it for probably well over a year. I just wasn't that vocal on it.

And when that happened, it was just like, okay, it's time. It's time, Sheri. It's time to start looking to see what other things are out there. It's time to start seeing, what else could I do? And I just became open to searching.

I didn't know. I didn't make any major moves. I didn't quit right away. I just started to be open to searching, open to options, open to support, to help me work through those feelings. And I just want to say, if that's you, where you are, I know it's like this weird feeling that it's so hard to describe, but you know in your gut that something's off.

And I want you to just pause long enough to just really listen to what is your gut telling you? And is it time for you to listen to yourself that, yeah, it is time to start seeing. What other options do I even have? You don't have to put your two weeks notice in. You don't have to quit your job today.

That's scary. And I wouldn't advise anybody to do that after that one decision. It was another year and a half before I quit. But you can start making a plan.

So I'm curious, which of the five are you checking off? Are you relating to any of these signs that you find yourself dreading the work week on Sunday? Now, two, you're exhausted at the end of the day, and your well being and health is suffering. Is your current career no longer aligning with your life goals and the vision you have for your life? Deep down, do you know that your natural gifts, talents, and skills are just not being utilized or appreciated?

Or do you just have that gut feeling that it's time to move on. As always, I love to hear from you. So let me know which of those five are you like, oh my God, Sheri, you're speaking to me. And again, I've created a checklist featuring ten signs that it might be time to quit your job. So if you want to grab that, you can again head to my, you can email me at and just ask for the ten signs quiz.

I'll know exactly what you're talking about or there is a link in the show notes to grab the quiz there. And like I said, I call it a quiz. But honestly, it's a checklist. It's so simple and easy. You can grab it, take a look at it, check, check.

And then I have like a scale to kind of guide you for that next step. And my friend, one last thing. If it is time for you to make a career change but you're sitting here thinking like, yeah, Sheri, I want to do that, but I have absolutely no idea what I would do next. Then I want to invite you to take a look at the spring cohort. Depending on when you're listening to this at the discovering your calling academy or if you're listening after that's already started, ask me about the discovering your calling one on one coaching process.

It's the same thing just whether you do it small group or one on one. And let's talk about that because in those eight phases that we go through over the course of twelve weeks, you will get clarity on your strengths. You'll get clarity on what is your what next. You'll get clarity on a direction to go in, and we'll map out a plan so that you can put in your two weeks notice when you are ready to do it. All right, my friend, as always, thank you for taking time to listen to the discovering your calling podcast.

I hope this has gave you something to think about today. And again, feel free to reach out whether you want the quiz, you want information on the discovering your calling academy, or you just want to share like, oh yeah, number two spoke to me. Sheri, thanks for doing the podcast. Love to hear from.

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