Discovering Your Calling - A Strengths-Based approach to career and life fulfillment, success and joy!

3 Easy Ways to Minimize the Risk and Find Fulfillment as an Entrepreneur S4E69

Sheri Miter- Strengths-Based Career Coach & Visionary Strategist Season 4 Episode 69

Have you ever wondered how to minimize risk and find fulfillment as an entrepreneur?

In this episode, I'm diving deep into the practical steps you can take to ease into entrepreneurship without sacrificing your financial stability or peace of mind. As more Americans embrace side hustles and freelancing, I'm sharing insights on how to navigate this exciting but sometimes daunting journey. Today, I'm giving you a roadmap to success that combines faith, family involvement, and a strengths-based approach to business building.

Key Points/Topics I Cover

  • The three approaches to easing into entrepreneurship (long runway, side hustle, and gradual steps)
  • How to test and adjust your business idea with minimal risk
  • The importance of aligning your business with your natural talents and strengths
  • Strategies for involving your family in your entrepreneurial journey
  • My unique approach to setting realistic goals and celebrating small milestones
  • The power of seeking guidance through prayer and trusting your intuition

Inspiring Quotes: 

"God has given you strengths and talents inside of you. He's already equipped you for this." 

"If God puts an idea in our heart and our soul and our brain, he has equipped us with what we need. We just need to tap into them." 

"When you build a business around your strengths, you can create something meaningful and sustainable."

Are you ready to start your own entrepreneurial journey?I invite you to reflect on these questions:

  1. What does success look like for you in your first year of business?
  2. What's one small action step you can take tomorrow towards your entrepreneurial dream?
  3. How can you involve your family in building your business?

Join me next week for another great episode of the Discovering Your Calling podcast. And don't forget – you can now send me your questions or topic suggestions directly through the link in the show notes. I can't wait to hear from you!

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, StrengthsFinder®, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder® theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.

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According to a ChatGPT and a recent survey,

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45% of Americans report having a side hustle in 2023, and that number is growing as more people explore entrepreneurship and 57 million Americans freelance, either full time or on the side.

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70% of entrepreneurs start their businesses while working a full time job.

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And I have a

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suspicion that you really want to join this group of entrepreneurs and start a side hustle or freelance.

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But as soon as you start dreaming about what it would be like to start something you're truly passionate about.

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A little voice inside says things like, but you don't even know anything about running a business.

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how can you risk your steady income for the inconsistent paycheck of owning a business?

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Or things like where would you even get a client?

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Would anybody pay for the idea you have? Or or maybe it's I don't even know what I would do if I started my own business.

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And you know what? In my book, I call this second voice fearful Fred.

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Now, to be fair, these are common concerns I hear from potential clients. So you're not alone having those thoughts. And they do need to be acknowledged.

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But today we're going to hush fearful Fred, and help you learn how to step gently into your dream career without the risk, or at least very minimal risk.

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So if you're ready to take this journey with me today, let's get inside today's Discover in Your Calling podcast.

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So again these are common fears.

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Common concerns I hear all the time, you know, fear of not having a consistent, consistent flow of income or a consistent flow of clients.

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Worry about the business side of stuff. You know, a lot of my clients have never run a business before. They come from corporate America, and that feels very much outside of their comfort zone.

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And then there's the anxiety over how the risk of stepping away from a secure air quotes their career and into,

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starting their own business or changing careers.

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How does that impact their family? And that feels like a lot of pressure to succeed. On the women I talked to,

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and I'm going to show you, I've broken it down into a way that you can just gently kind of ease into a new business, because it doesn't have to be,

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you know, drop this thing, quit this thing.

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You don't have to put your two weeks notice in today and start something new tomorrow. There are ways you can gently step into to your ideal true calling.

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And we're going to break that down, what that can look like and then cover some of the mindset stuff. And I'm going to leave you with an actual plan at the end of this episode.

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So there's three ways that I look at easing into

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your calling. Easing into especially if you're calling today. We're really talking. I'm really speaking to that that woman or that man that you know, you want to try entrepreneurship. You want to give it a try. And again, not necessarily that you're quitting tomorrow and starting something new,

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but these are ways that you can explore that possibility.

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So the first thing is what I call the long runway approach. And this is where you're building a business. You know, have that mindset, that building a business, I should say, doesn't have to be this all or nothing gamble, because that can feel like a gamble. It's pretty scary. And many entrepreneurs have learned to just test the waters by running a side hustle or trying out ideas while maintaining a stable career.

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And when you do it this way, it reduces the financial stress and allows you time to just grow the business organically.

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Now that was the approach I took because

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I gave myself, and I made a decision that I wanted to start something new, that I was ready to step away from my direct sales business.

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I gave myself 16 months

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after that decision.

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I knew that I couldn't just step away from what I had built. You know, I'd been there over 20 years as a leader and after all, you know, I was driving a free car. I was earning a really nice paycheck that my husband and I relied on.

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And not to mention that I had a team of over 100 women who looked to me for guidance, and I couldn't just step away from any of that.

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So I needed to create a long runway to get clarity on what I was going to do, because I really didn't know at that point,

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and I wanted to get things in order so that I could come doubly step away. And also that took the guilt away from it as well. For some of it, there was still always a little guilt there, but it gave me that peace of mind.

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So that 16 month runway. So give yourself a long runway.

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You you don't have to do the two week notice. Like I said.

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And, you know, maybe you're in a similar place that I was and your family relies on your steady paycheck.

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Or maybe you're in a situation that you're only looking at three years from retirement where you can secure a nice retirement check.

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Don't step away from that. That would be insane. So but you don't have to wait three years to start creating your calling.

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It doesn't have to be. Again, this

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either or it can be the and and I love that. That was something somebody said to me recently. And I'm really embracing that. Like, oh, that makes so much sense because I feel like so many women.

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And again, guys,

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think that in order to step into their calling, they have to give up something and you don't have to give up your current career. You can ease into it.

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So that's what we call the long runway approach.

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Now along with that and kind of similar, is just thinking of it as simply a side hustle.

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And you know, it's okay to treat this

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like a side hustle until it gains traction.

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And, you know, not every passion project needs to even turn into a full time job right away. It may never turn into a full time job for you,

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but if you can create something that is your passion project, something that fulfills you, something that gives you joy, it can just make your overall life more exciting.

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And it's kind of like having a hobby you really love, but you can figure out a way to make income on it.

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And you know what? That thing may always stay a side hustle,

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there might be a day that you can look and say, you know what? I'm making enough income now from this side hustle that I feel comfortable

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putting in my two weeks notice.

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But there's no pressure in the here and now. If you just approach it as it's just going to be a side hustle.

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And then there's the really slow approach. And that's just where you take these really super baby steps, the super gradual steps. And you know, inside the Discovering your Calling academy, we create a roadmap to really break down the business building into small, manageable steps.

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And you can do this by really thinking of the ultra, ultra small steps you can take daily or even weekly to build a business. Maybe you only have one hour a week to give this, but you start doing little things. Maybe it says,

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one of my

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my person,

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I talked to once, you know, she bought a book.

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Like, do you just need to buy a book to start exploring this possibility of whatever it is?

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You know, it doesn't have to be this. You know, I talk about it in the Discovering Your Calling academy. We talk about having a really wide lens of what something will look like in five years. Three years or one year, and then bringing it down to what is it look like six months from now, three months from now, and finally down to the little action steps you take today.

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But maybe you're just going to take one action step a week.

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And I did talk a little bit about that in last week's episode. If you missed that,

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go back and listen and you can hear what I'm talking about right now.

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But for you, there's a gradual plan. These gradual steps is they might be things like just doing some market research.

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They might be developing a product you've thought of or a service that you want to create.

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It might be slowly building a client base, one client at a time.

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And that's totally okay.

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And it's just taking these small little baby steps. So again, releasing that pressure to build something big, fast.

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Now whatever way you choose to start, whether it is this baby, gradual steps, the side hustle approach or just having a long runway approach,

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whichever way it is.

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Be willing to test, learn it and just adjust as needed because you want to approach this new venture,

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willing to let it evolve and morph as needed.

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And I promise you, it is going to evolve and morph as needed.

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And think of the first six months of this as just the testing and try and stage. It's where you're learning on what to do and what not to do.

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You're figuring out what gives you joy and what exhaust you.

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You're figuring out what needs to be delegated out and what can you learn to do.

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And you see what feed your spirit and gives you energy and again, what drains you and you adjust accordingly.

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And I encourage you to just experiment. Come about this as an experiment with your business ideas and this low risk way of just like you're just testing things out.

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Maybe it even looks simply the first step is just volunteering your service,

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doing what you think you might want to do.

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Or maybe it's running. You're ready to run a beta group. I love running beta groups. It takes the pressure off to do it

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doing taking this approach is just going to allow you the space to really learn and grow and make those adjustments without overwhelming pressure to have it perfect.

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And part of the process of this is just gathering the feedback.

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You know, it's trying out the ideas and then gathering feedback from your new client, that one person, from mentors, from

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other trusted people you know, as you keep refining your business.

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the cool thing about this approach is you get to course correct early on so you don't make major commit major,

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bigger commitments on time and money that end up being the wrong direction.

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I've made those mistakes,

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and I don't want you to go down that path too.

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One more thing along this line too, is just remember your strengths matter. So before you do dive into any business idea, it's crucial to ensure that it aligns with your natural talents and strengths.

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Because when you're using what you're naturally good at, it helps reduce stress and it minimizes the risk associated with business growth.

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It will also help you increase your chance of success exponentially,

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and it allows you to find more fulfillment because you're working in the areas that energize you rather than drain you. Because when we work

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within our our natural talents and strengths, we gain energy.

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And you're not just testing ideas, but you're also refining how to use your unique gifts in a way that provides the most impact and the most joy for you.

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Now, if one of your worries is about how starting something new is going to impact your family,

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I encourage you to get them involved right away.

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Involve them in every decision along the way, or almost every decision.

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So make sure that you communicate with your family

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on the process. Communicate with them how much this means to you

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and when you can communicate with them and involve them in building this thing, it will take the fear and the risk away from you because it becomes they become part of creating it.

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Every member, everybody wants to know the why it form what's in it for them.

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So what's in it for them?

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Why should they support this new goal and dream of yours?

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You know, is it because the extra money is going to help pay for that dream vacation that you've all been talking about?

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Is it because this new business idea that you have is just going to make you happier?

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And we all want a happier mama, you know?

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Oh, is this because it's going to be an example for them to go start their own business someday?

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So what's in it for them? Make it tangible. Make it something they can get excited about.

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I remember in my networking days, direct sales days, and we had a if we had a huge goal I was working on that year and I knew it was going to take time away from my family and I would need them to help out in the house so I could go do the work I needed to do.

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We would have a goal chart,

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you know, whether it was B, b we were planning for a vacation or just a little getaway, and every time I went out to hold a party, we would mark down on that goal chart that we were closer to that goal, and they got to feel a part of

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the dream and a part of the experience, and that's how they would be more willing to help out.

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You could also just let them set the goals,

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have them help you in that.

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So get them involved from the beginning.

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The other thing I highly encourage you to do is pray for guidance. You know, throughout this entire process, I encourage you just to seek guidance in the form of faith and prayer. You know, ask God for the signs in every decision you have to make.

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Which way should you go and

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be patient because he doesn't.

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Well, I've yet to see. I'm still waiting for it. I've yet to see the neon sign when you're driving down the road on a billboard saying, Sherry, go do this. I wish it was that simple. We have to be patient and we have to

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let him surprise us with how he gives us the sign that, yes, this is the right direction or oops, nope.

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You're you know, you're taking the wrong path here.

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So ask for guidance and then

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look for it. Look for how he's trying to guide you.

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And when you take this approach, it can really help you give, have clarity and more peace as you consider each step along the way.

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And I also encourage you just to trust your inner gut.

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We need to learn to listen to what our body says. And you know, there's so much noise out there. I talk about this all the time on the podcast. So many voices coming at us to do this, do that, you know, go this way. And we just need to be quiet and trust, you know, say those prayers and trust.

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Look for the signs from God. But also just trust that he's putting the answer in us. The answers are inside of us. We just need to be still enough to listen to our own gut and what feels like the right direction.

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as we're kind of wrapping up the podcast here, I want to leave you with a practical,

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almost risk free roadmap to success.

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Because let's face it, there's always risks and anything we do, especially anything exciting and fun and adventurous and anything outside of our comfort zone, there's going to be a little bit of risk, but we can definitely

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bring it down so that it's almost risk free for you.

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So first thing is, set realistic goals.

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Figure out what does success actually look like for you?

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What would success look like for you in your first year? Would it be having consistent clients?

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Would it be having one paying client?

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Would it be having consistent cash flow?

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Would it be making your first hundred dollars?

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Would it be just learning the ropes?

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What does success really look like for you?

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Not what it looks like to this, to society, to everybody else.

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What does it look like for you? What would make you feel good a year from now? Set realistic, achievable goals that aren't going to stress you out.

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And as you do that, have a one year focus. Now I know last, in the last episode we talked about that five year, three year, one year. But I feel like when you're when you're in that place of like, oh, I don't know, I don't know, what does this look like?

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Sometimes it can be really hard and scary to look 5 or 10 years down the road, even three years down the road.

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So maybe you you just want to look one year down the road and I say one year because you really need to give this thing one year. It takes a year just to figure things out. Because remember, along the way you're testing, you're learning, you're tweaking, and you're growing.

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And they say it takes 90 days to even see the beginning of any results.

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So be patient as your journey unfolds.

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I also highly, highly, highly encourage you to set small milestones and celebrate each along your journey

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and then trust that the clarity is going to come as you take action,

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and that you have faith and that you're willing to learn along the way.

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And trust in your God given talents. Remember, God has given you strengths and talents inside of you.

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He's already equipped you for this. I truly believe if he put an idea in your heart and soul in your brain, he's he's already equipped you with what you need. You just need to tap into it.

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And as a reminder, when you build a business around your strengths, you can create something meaningful, meaningful, and sustainable.

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And it's going to help reduce the risk

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that you reduce the fear of failure because you are working within your natural abilities.

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Starlin I want to repeat those last few things. So edit this.

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Also, trust in your God given talent. Remember, God has given you strength for a reason. He's already equipped you to do this thing.

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I truly believe if God puts an idea in our heart and our soul and our brain, he has equipped us with what we need. We just need to tap into them,

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tap into those talents, tap into those strengths, tap into him, and trust that he has a plan for you.

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And also, when you're building a business around your natural strengths,

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you can create something meaningful, meaningful, and sustainable. Because again, it's going to energize you.

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Also, when you use your God given talents, it will help reduce the fear of failure because you're working within your natural abilities,

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you shouldn't constantly be feeling like you are way, way, way, way, way outside

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your your capabilities.

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If that's what it feels like, you definitely want to pause and and take a take a recheck of your strengths and what's happening.

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So what next?

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Hopefully we have hushed, fearful Fred by all these tips.

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So what do you do now?

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What do you do now? What's your next step?

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First of all, I encourage you just make a decision,

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take the first step and get in motion.

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That's the most important thing.

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And if you need help, the reach out and let's see if maybe it's the right time for us to work together and see what capacity that looks like.

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There's several different ways I work with my clients right now.

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Maybe you just need a strength and clarity session and you'll be good to go.

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And also, don't forget to make sure you follow her, like or subscribe or whatever it is now and tune into the Discovering Your Calling a cat or Discovering Your Calling podcast because,

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something exciting is coming that will definitely help you on this journey.

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So don't miss an episode

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and I will see you back here, my friend, next week for another great episode of the Discovering Your Calling podcast. And as always, I appreciate you for being here and if you need any, if you have any other questions you want clarification on anything, there is a way. Now you can text me directly in the show notes, or reach out there or find me

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over on Facebook

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or LinkedIn.

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All right, my friend, I'll catch you next week.

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